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" PEEP of DAY ; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. With Verses illustrative of the Subjects. "
Far off; or, Australia, Africa, and America described - Page 417
de Favell Lee Mortimer - 1872
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The Christian Lady's Magazine, Volume 5

1836 - 658 pages
...Edition of HINTS for the IMPROVEMENT of EARLY EDUCATION and NURSERY DISCIPLINE. 12mo. 3s. 6d. boards. n The PEEP of DAY; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. Third Edition, with a new series of Plates, corrected and enlarged. In the Press. in REMARKS on CLERICAL...
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Family Prayers

William Wilberforce - 1834 - 118 pages
...Vol. I. Containing Lives of the Apostles and Early Martyrs of the Church. 18mo. 4s. neatly half-bound. THE PEEP of DAY, or a Series of the earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. Plates, 2s. 6d. neatly half-bound. ALICE SEYMOUR. A Tale. 12mo. 4s. 6d. CONSISTENCY. By CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH....
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Cressingham rectory, family conversations on various subjects

Elizabeth Ann Hendry - 1836 - 128 pages
...AND PAL.MER, PRINTERS, SAVOY STREET, STRAND. PUBLISHED BY J. HATCHARD AND SON, 187, PICCADILLY. i. The PEEP of DAY ; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. Third Edition, corrected and enlarged. With a new series of plates. 3». The RECITER : a Work particularly...
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A letter on the purity of our glorious Immanuel's human nature, addressed to ...

Jesus Christ - 1836 - 142 pages
...Edition of HINTS for the IMPROVEMENT of EARLY EDUCATION and NURSERY DISCIPLINE. 12mo. 3s. 6d. boards. II The PEEP of DAY; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. Third Edition, with a new series of Plates, corrected and enlarged. In the Press. m REMARKS on CLERICAL...
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A Practical Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans

Sir Robert Anderson - 1837 - 608 pages
...Iteltgious Instruction. 18mo. cloth, price 3s. Part II. will shortly appear. Also, by the same Author, THE PEEP OF DAY; Or a Series of the earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. The Fourth Edition, corrected and enlarged, 18mo. 3s. cloth. THE SACRED PRECEPTOR; Or a Series of Questions...
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Sermons on the principal festivals of the Christian Church, to which are ...

John Bird Sumner (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1837 - 484 pages
...LINE." THE HISTOEY OF JOB. 18mo., price Is., cloth. By the tame Author, Thirty Second Thousand. 2. THE PEEP OF DAY; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. 18mo. price 3s. cloth. Twentieth Thousand. 3. LINE UPON LINE; Part I., or, a Second Series of the Earliest...
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The Publishers' Circular and General Record of British and ..., Volume 28

1865 - 962 pages
...Longmans & Co.; Hamilton Sc Co. Edinborcn: Oliver i Bord. EDUCATIONAL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY HATCHARD & CO. The Peep of Day ; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind U capable of receiving. With Verses illustrative of the Subject. Numerous illustrations. Two Hundred...
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The Publishers' Circular, Volume 1

1837 - 860 pages
...18mo. 3s. cloth. — In a few days. (4214) Works by the same Author :— LINE upon LINE ; or, a Second Series of the Earliest Religious Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of receiving. With Verses illustrative of the Subjects. 2d Edition, 18mo. with Engravings, 3s. cloth. (4214*) LINE...
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The Publishers Circular, Volume 1

1837 - 558 pages
...Chidlcy. Liverpool : Adam Clarke Baynes. 1838.] THE PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR. New Editioni — continued. THE PEEP of DAY ; or a Series of the *- Earliest Religious Instruction th« Infant Mind is cni«blc of receiving;. With Verses illustrative of the Subjects, and a New Series...
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The British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and ..., Volume 14

1838 - 864 pages again soon, and in the meantime I am, Your obedient servant, MODESTUS. 5-53 NOTICES AND REVIEWS. The Peep of Day ; or, a Series of the Earliest Religious...Instruction the Infant Mind is capable of Receiving. (Third Edition.) London : Hatchards. 12mo. 1836. Line upnn Line ; or, a Second Series of l/ic Earliest...
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